Consulting / Advising / Speaking 



I partner with early- to mid-stage companies, working in the trenches with founders and Executive teams in small or large capacities to help them get to the next level. I’ve been there, and am the person to help solve the hardest of hard problems.



I engage with companies on short- to mid-term projects where I can have a direct impact on their trajectory. This includes, but isn’t limited to, fundraising strategy, sales strategy, and overall company growth strategy and planning.



I have been a featured speaker - in front of both large and small audiences - on all things business growth, entrepreneurship, wellness and fitness, fundraising, and trends around each of these areas. I love interviews, fireside chats, speaking at company meetings and retreats, and inspiring up-and-coming entrepreneurs. I have endless good stories to tell!



As an angel investor, I look for epic people and a company I believe in. I’m passionate about sticky tech (especially B2B tech) and all things wellness, but ultimately I’m category agnostic and bet on the founder who’s never going to give up…because I am that person, too.