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I’m a dedicated listener of Scott Galloway and Kara Swisher’s Pivot podcast and can’t recommend it enough. Each week, the podcast delivers thought-provoking discussions that I find directly relevant to my business or general industry knowledge. The dynamic duo of Scott and Kara offers fresh perspectives and in-depth analysis on current events and trends. Their sharp, witty, and engaging style makes complex topics both accessible and enjoyable. Pivot also keeps me connected to a broader network of thought leaders and innovators, ensuring I stay informed and inspired. If you’re searching for a podcast that combines practical advice, deep insights, and engaging content, Pivot is an essential addition to your listening routine!
I absolutely love Codie Sanchez’s Big Deal podcast and highly recommend it. The actionable insights and practical strategies shared in each episode are invaluable, directly applicable to my business. The inspirational stories from successful entrepreneurs provide new perspectives and motivation. Codie’s engaging and relatable style makes complex ideas accessible and enjoyable. Listening to Big Deal also connects me to a broader community of entrepreneurs, keeping me updated and inspired by the latest business trends. If you want a podcast that combines practical advice, inspirational stories, and educational content, Big Deal is a must-listen!
I’m a huge fan of Kim Kaupe’s Coffee with Kim podcast and highly recommend it. The show is packed with actionable insights and practical advice that I can apply directly to my business. Kim’s interviews with successful entrepreneurs and industry leaders provide fresh perspectives and inspiration. Her approachable and engaging style makes the content both enjoyable and easy to understand. Coffee with Kim also helps me feel connected to a vibrant community of entrepreneurs, keeping me informed and motivated by the latest trends and ideas. If you’re looking for a podcast that offers practical advice, inspiration, and engaging content, Coffee with Kim is a must-listen!
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't
I loved reading this book so much the first time that I then re-read it every year while I was building CITYROW and gifted it to all employees. Every time I picked it up, I extracted new learnings, saw ideas differently, and came back to my company with deeper insights.
This book is both wide and deep, and I found it compelling time and time again, reflective of where I was in my building journey. I still reference key points in all my work today and credit it as a foundation for some of the reasons why I have embarked on the entrepreneurial journey.
The Messy Truth: How I Sold My Business for Millions but Almost Lost Myself
Nothing is better or more inspiring than the raw truth, and Alli tells it in this book: I love how she gets deep and personal, plus her business insights are also super relevant and resonant.
Alli was the person who inspired me as a founder when I started on my journey, so it was a full-circle moment for me to read (devour!) her honest words.
The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers' Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success
This book hit me hard and is sooooo important for overachievers, especially us entrepreneurs who are never satisfied with ourselves or our progress in a given moment.
This book advises not comparing yourself to others at all, but instead to the progress you have made personally as the litmus test. That was so helpful to me in stopping being so hard on myself because in looking back, I really have done some amazing things and made serious progress!
Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things
Who doesn’t love Adam Grant? Just when I think he’s exhausted everything he could write about or interest me in, he comes up with something else!
I love his books across the board, but this one happened to come out as I started the process of an acquisition for my company and moving on to something new for myself, so it felt like great timing for me. His stuff is never dry, and he tells a TON of stories to highlight all his key points, which, as a storyteller myself, I really enjoy.
Ultimately, this book is great for anyone looking to achieve that “success unexpected in common hours” (and though it’s not one of my top five here, you can never go wrong with some Thoreau, either :)
Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication
I feel that understanding and being able to work with all kinds of people is really the key to success in business (and honestly, in life in general). I consider myself a damn good communicator, but I still learned SO much in this book to take my leadership in that area to the next level.
It’s also not just about speaking and relationships, but taking in all of the cues in situation (verbal, visual, context, etc). This should be required reading for anyone working with people (which is most of us!).
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